Rhythm-N-You Music Therapy provides music therapy services to multiple adult day work programs and rehabilitation programs for several Ohio counties.

Music therapy can be an important component for the long-term well-being for adults within this population.

Music Therapy for Adult DD

Targeted Goals for Developmental Disabilities

Music therapy with this population  addresses maintenance, as well as improvement goals.  These involve physical, social, communication, cognitive and behavioral skills including:

  • Increase/Maintain limb range of motion
  • Increase/Maintain fine and gross motor skills
  • Improve verbal and non-verbal communication skills
  • Increase self-confidence through gaining new musical skills and performing those skills
  • Attend to musical & non-musical tasks within a session
  • Visually track from left to right
  • Make choices with & without visual cues
  • Decrease emotional or behavioral outbursts (learning coping strategies for difficult situations)
  • Cooperate with a Peer
  • Improve eye contact with peers & staff
  • Improve social greetings and gestures